Small Groups
Relationships are the core of our church community. Colonial Church as a variety of small groups that come together for support, friendship, and service.
Tuesday Book Group
The (currently) online Tuesday Book Group welcomes new members. All you have to do is click below to be added to the Zoom link for the weekly 9:30 AM meeting. This is a great chance to meet some new friends, renew old acquaintances and participate in some lively discussions.
Wednesday Coffee and Conversation
Drop-in group meets at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays for coffee. Panera at 83rd and Mission Road.
Women's Tuesday Happy Hour
Women of all ages meet socially at 5:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at O’Neill’s Restaurant at 95th and Mission Rd.
Women’s Friday Book Group
A group of fun and interesting women meet about every six weeks on a Friday evening in a home to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting.
Colonial Friends
Seniors meet the third Wednesday of each month at noon to explore interesting events and places in the metro area, a potluck or a program.
Women's Breakfast Group
Colonial Women meets the first Monday of the month for fellowship and food.
Meets the first, third, and fifth Friday mornings each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Through these quilts, love is shared. Colonial Church shares these blankets with the Cross-lines Christmas Store; Children’s Mercy Hospital; KU Med Pediatrics; and with newly baptized children in our church community.
Men's Breakfast Group
Colonial Men's Breakfast meets on the third Monday at 8:30 a.m. at Big Biscuit 95th and Nall, Prairie Village. Please plan on attending.
Writers Group
individuals who gather once a month to learn how to write their own life story. Individuals come and bring their writing, or just come and prepare to be inspired. Newcomers and veterans are welcome. Meetings are online at 9:30 a.m. one Wednesday a month.
Colonial Church’s choir sings most weeks from September to May. Our section leaders make singing fun and accessible. (It’s like getting a voice lesson each week.) The Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings at 7pm and Sunday mornings at 9:30 am prior to the 10:15 Sanctuary worship service.
Bell Choir
Our Bell Choir rings on special Sundays during the year under the leadership of Hayden Ferguson. Everyone is welcome to ring with us.
Care Committee
The Care Committee works closely with the Senior Minister to identify members of the church who need care, for a variety of reasons. Members of the Care Committee deliver altar flowers weekly, often depending on who needs extra love for that week. They send cards, make personal visits and phone calls to members of the church who are in the hospital, are home-bound, or need extra attention.
Centering Prayer
Centering prayer is a good way to find quiet in your life. Praying in a group can help you keep up a regular prayer practice and find common ground with folks who are on a similar spiritual path. No experience is necessary; all are welcome! Meets the third Sunday of the month 9:30-10:00 a.m.