Lenten Study Group
to Apr 6

Lenten Study Group

  • Colonial Church in Prairie Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the upcoming season of Lent between Ash Wednesday and Easter, Pastor Keith invites us to reflect on the Psalms and how God is always with us. He’ll share both the poetry of the Psalms and explore modern poetry as well. You’re invited to join in conversation to explore how all these resources can sustain and encourage us all within the season of Lent and for the long haul. We will meet on the 5 Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday (March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6) from 9:15-10:00am in the Oberlin Room.

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Colonial Women Book Group

Colonial Women Book Group

A group of fun and interesting women meet about every six weeks on a Friday evening in a home to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. We will discuss “The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawhon on April 4.

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Parents Night Out

Parents Night Out

Parents Night Out Spring Edition! Saturday, April 5th | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Looking for a night off? Drop your kids off at our Springtime Parents Night Out event and enjoy a well-deserved break, whether for a date night or running errands. Your child will have a blast participating in a fun baby-animal craft, playing exciting and silly spring-themed games, enjoying a pizza dinner, and treating themselves to a small dessert. Our trained staff and volunteers will ensure a safe, fun, and enjoyable environment for your little ones throughout the evening. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for a relaxing night off from parenting, knowing your kids are in good hands! Open to all ages. This event is open to all ages. $20 (1 Child); $35 (2 Children); $50 (3 children); $65 (4 children).

Reserve your spot here.

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Colonial Life Story Writers Group

Colonial Life Story Writers Group

The Writers Group meets the second Wednesday, at 9:30 AM CST via Zoom.  New and veteran writers are welcome to attend our monthly sessions, where we will read aloud our stories, poems, essays and opinions on a wide variety of subjects to supportive listeners.

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Easter Worship – 10:15

Easter Worship – 10:15

Join us for Easter worship at 10:15 a.m. with choir and children’s activity. The nursery will be available from 9:00-11:30 a.m. A slightly shorter service will occur at 8:30 a.m. without choir and children’s activity. Join us between services for continental breakfast.

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Spring Music Concert

Spring Music Concert

Join us in the sanctuary for an afternoon of joyful singing by the choir and Jim “Mr. Stinky Feet” Cosgrove at 4:00 p.m., lasting approximately one hour and followed immediately by a light meal. During the concert, a freewill offering will be taken to help the choir continue to purchase needed items for the music program.

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Cinco de Mayo Dinner & Auction

Cinco de Mayo Dinner & Auction

A festive evening of dinner and a silent auction. Tickets are $15 per person and drink tickets will be available at the event. Babysitting provided. Seeking donations of new items, homemade items or services for the silent auction. Fundraiser by Colonial Women.

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Colonial Women Book Group

Colonial Women Book Group

A group of fun and interesting women meet about every six weeks on a Friday evening in a home to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. We will discuss “I Never Thought of it That Way” by Monica Guzman on May 16.

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UCC General Synod
to Jul 15

UCC General Synod

Members of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference, along with the Missouri Mid-South Conference, will host Synod and welcome thousands from across the country for the UCC's 35th General Synod in Kansas City, Missouri. Register to attend here.

Volunteer Opportunities – There are multiple opportunities for demonstrating the extravagant welcome we enjoy in our home congregations in Kansas and Oklahoma. Click here to help.

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Fair Trade Coffee Sale

Fair Trade Coffee Sale

Fair Trade coffee and chocolate is available in the narthex before and after worship the third Sunday of the month. Equal Exchange is an independent cooperatively owned organization with over 100 workers. By purchasing their products we are supporting farmers who practice a fair, healthy, sustainable way of bringing food to our tables. And, while you are providing income and dignity for their families, you are getting a good deal because you are paying only wholesale prices. Enabling small farmers in developing countries to earn a fair price for their crops and build their own businesses is just one way Colonial Church serves our neighbors.

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Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer

Centering prayer is a good way to find quiet in your life. Praying in a group can help you keep up a regular prayer practice and find common ground with folks who are on a similar spiritual path. No experience is necessary; all are welcome! Meets the third Sunday of the month 9:30-10:00 a.m.

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Special Guest Speaker: Hazel Krebs

Special Guest Speaker: Hazel Krebs

At a time when transgender people are facing increasing marginalization, we are grateful to welcome Hazel Krebs to preach at Colonial on March 16 to share her powerful story. Hazel’s ability to speak with vulnerability and authenticity is a true gift, and we are honored to hear from her.

Hazel is an author and speaker who founded Enthusiastically You, where she inspires others to embrace their true selves. Her debut book, Enthusiastically Me, published in January 2024, chronicles her journey through sobriety and gender transition. The book’s impact has been recognized, earning Hazel a nomination for Kansas City’s Best Local Author by The Pitch.

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Ash Wednesday Drive Through

Ash Wednesday Drive Through

Colonial Church is offering drive through Imposition of Ashes on Wednesday, March 5, from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Pastor Michael will be in the driveway in front of the church to place ashes in the sign of the cross on the foreheads (or hand). Everyone is welcome to participate as we begin the holy season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a reminder of our shared humanity as "from dust we were created, and to dust we will return."

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Fat Sunday Pancake Feast

Fat Sunday Pancake Feast

Join us as we enjoy Chris Cakes pancake flipping and delicious pancakes in preparation for Lent. Sponsored by Colonial Women.

Chris Cakes will bring all you can eat pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee. A gluten-free option will be available. No cost but there will be a free will offering.

We will have pancake-themed games for kids and adults.

We need a headcount of people attending so please sign up after the 8:30 and 10:15 services and between services in the narthex or click here to let us know you will be coming.

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Trivia Night

Trivia Night

Join us in the Social Hall on February 16 for a night of challenge and fun. Invite your friends and neighbors to form a winning team or sign up to join a team. Enjoy beverages and snacks, fellowship, new personal connections, and a wee bit of competition. Trivia skills and expertise are NOT required for participation. Please bring snacks to share. Soda will be provided, and beer/wine tickets are $3.

Cost is $10 per person. Click here to register.

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Candlelight Conversations

Candlelight Conversations

Everyone is invited for this relaxed, fun evening. A single question is introduced and the group breaks into smaller groups to share and discuss. Questions can be as simple as what was your most romantic memory. Each smaller group decides on one story of the shared answers or stories to share to the larger group. After each smaller group shares then the larger group selects the favorite answer/story.

Everyone brings a snack to share and their own favorite beverage. No RSVPs required. Just come.

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Longest Night Service

Longest Night Service

Our Longest Night service honors the feeling that a number of us have about this season. It is the “long, dark night of the soul,” “the winter of our discontent,” in which memories of past experiences and the pain of present experiences can become painful. This is a special service to be with God in Spirit and in Truth.

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Colonial Christmas Concert with Mr. Stinky Feet

Colonial Christmas Concert with Mr. Stinky Feet

Join us in the sanctuary for an early evening of joyful singing by the choir and Jim "Mr. Stinky Feet" Cosgrove followed by a light meal. Our concert begins at 4:00 p.m., lasting approximately one hour. During the concert, a freewill offering will be taken to help the choir continue to purchase needed items for the music program.

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Fair Trade Coffee Sale

Fair Trade Coffee Sale

Fair Trade coffee and chocolate is available in the narthex before and after worship the third Sunday of the month. Equal Exchange is an independent cooperatively owned organization with over 100 workers. By purchasing their products we are supporting farmers who practice a fair, healthy, sustainable way of bringing food to our tables. And, while you are providing income and dignity for their families, you are getting a good deal because you are paying only wholesale prices. Enabling small farmers in developing countries to earn a fair price for their crops and build their own businesses is just one way Colonial Church serves our neighbors.

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Chili Cook-off and Advent Craft Festival

Chili Cook-off and Advent Craft Festival

Sunday, December 8 – 3:30 p.m.

Join us Sunday, December 3 for our annual Advent/Christmas festival and Chili/Soup Cook-off.

We will have crafts for children of all ages at various stations 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Santa Claus will be available for photos from 4:00-5:00 p.m., courtesy of Colonial Women.

We will follow the crafts with our traditional chili and soup cook-off. Please bring your favorite chili or soup – in your crockpot – at 4:30 p.m. in preparation for our tasting and voting at 5:00 p.m.

Lastly join us for eating and fellowship in the Social Hall. During the awards ceremony for best chili!

The more, the merrier. You might win a prize!

Also, please sign up to help with a craft. We have 2 shifts – 3:30-4:15 or 4:14-5:00. Pick the one that fits for you. Thanks for your help.

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Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving Feast

Join your Colonial family for Thanksgiving dinner Sunday, November 24, at 11:15 a.m. in the Social Hall. The Board of Parish Life will provide the traditional elements of the meal: turkey and gravy, stuffing and mashed potatoes. We need you to bring a special dish that will add variety and spark to the meal. Last names beginning with A-G, pie/dessert; H-R, side dish/veggie; S-Z, salad.

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Cross-Lines Christmas Store
to Dec 7

Cross-Lines Christmas Store

  • Colonial Church in Prairie Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Colonial Church has supported the Cross-Lines Christmas Store for at least 25 years. The Christmas Store provides a shopping opportunity for 400 families during the first full week in December.

Colonial manages the Housewares department providing laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, toilet paper, facial tissue, shampoo, and a family gift, such as a slow cooker, coffee maker, or blanket. Monetary donations are welcome at any time to provide these items by selecting Christmas Store from the dropdown menu.

Sign up here to volunteer for the Cross-Lines Christmas Store. There are setup and tear-down jobs and shopper assistant jobs from Wednesday, Nov. 20 through Saturday, Dec. 7.

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Cross-Lines Thanksgiving Meal Boxes

Cross-Lines Thanksgiving Meal Boxes

Help our neighbors at Cross-Lines Community Outreach enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal with their families. Colonial Church is providing 100 turkeys, 100 boxes of non-perishable sides ingredients, and 50 desserts. They will be given free of charge, with our love and prayers, to households served by the Cross-Lines Community Market (food pantry) in the week leading up to Thanksgiving.

Visit https://tinyurl.com/thanksgiving-crosslines24 to choose how you want to help.

Shop for food items and bring them to Colonial, no later than 9 a.m. on Sunday, November 12. Give money and the Colonial Board of Outreach will do the shopping for you. Click here and choose “Cross-Lines Thanksgiving Boxes"

Help assemble the boxes on Sunday, Nov 12.

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Colonial Friends to Lecompton

Colonial Friends to Lecompton

Join Colonial Friends at 10:30 am on Wednesday, November 13 in historic Lecompton, KS to see more than 200 Christmas trees decorated with vintage and antique ornaments. Located in the Territorial Capital Museum, 640 E Woodson. Entrance is freewill donation ($3 minimum suggested). Lunch will follow at approximately 11:30 at Aunt Netters Cafe, 336 Elmore St. They're known for their home-style meals, pies and cupcakes. RSVP to Bill Yohn.

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Holiday Bazaar
to Nov 10

Holiday Bazaar

  • Colonial Church in Prairie Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A fun 2-day event with about 10 vendors selling their creative wares. 10% precent of the profits go to the Board of Outreach.


  • Saturday, November 9 - 10:00-3:00 p.m.

  • Sunday, November 10 - 11:00-1:00 p.m.

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Our Whole Lives Sexuality Course

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Course

Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) Human Sexuality Course for Grades 10-12

Beginning in September, Colonial in cooperation with the Unitarian Universalist Association will offer a 9-week course for grades 10-12 on human sexuality. OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps adolescents address their attitudes, values, and feelings about themselves, their sexuality, and others’ sexuality. Participants are guided by trained facilitators through an engaging curriculum that addresses topics most important to young adolescents, including those typically excluded from sexuality education and health classes.

The class will meet at 2:00 p.m. Sundays at Colonial beginning September 15. Students are expected to attend all sessions. Cost is $100 per student, which covers the cost of snacks and curriculum. Here is a link to the course registration form.

A required parent orientation is September 8 at 6:00 pm.

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Gathering Sunday Meal

Gathering Sunday Meal

Join your church family and friends in the Social Hall at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, September 8 for a meal of chicken tenders and potluck provided by you. By last name, bring:

A-L appetizers
M-R Salads & Veggies
S-Z Desserts

Beverages of lemonade, ice tea and water provided.

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Women's Swim Party

Women's Swim Party

All women of the church are invited to a swim party on Saturday, August 3, 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the home of Kathi Cook (2418 W 71st Ter, Prairie Village, KS 66208). Please a snack to share. Lemonade, tea and water will be provided. Cameras are prohibited!

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Family Game Night

Family Game Night

Mark your calendar for a fun family game night featuring bingo on Friday, March 22, 6:00 pm in the Social Hall. Colonial women will provide drinks. Bring a snack to share. We will have prizes. All ages are are invited!

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Grub Hub Dinner Club
to May 4

Grub Hub Dinner Club

  • Colonial Church in Prairie Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • Good Grub Dinner Club. New this year is Good Grub Dinner Club. Similar to the old Galloping Gourmet but with a modern feel. Sponsored by the Board of Parish Life. It is a rotating dinner group beginning in February.

    $5 per person to participate four times this year ($10 pr couple)

    Host one time and be a guest three times

    Fellowship with different guests throughout the year

    Substitute list sign up also available

    Recipes and photos collected and shared in a book at the end of the year.

    Click here to sign up.

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

Bring the kids in costume for a fun afternoon of trunk or treating on Sunday, October 29 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Spend the afternoon trick-or-treating from trunk to trunk, collecting candy, face painting and concessions for sale.

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It's time to buy tickets for Oktoberfest! We need your reservations now so we will have enough food.

Oktoberfest – featuring brats, beer, fellowship and an auction – will be October 21 in the Social Hall. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. This adults-only event will conclude at 9:00 p.m.

Presented by Colonial Women, this event replaces the rummage sale as their major fundraiser. Ask your family and friends to come along!

Purchase your tickets in the narthex on Sunday or buy them online here. Cost is $20 per person.

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Good Faith Network Program

Good Faith Network Program

We are welcoming Aileen Ball, the Lead Organizer, from our new mission partner, The Good Faith Network. As we partner with dozens of other faith communities in Johnson county, we are going to discuss the focus to address the mental health crisis, affordable housing, and homelessness in Johnson county. You can join us in person in the Heritage Room or via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89349079966?pwd=oHCIfHCp8fN3Dai7gDCniJ6QXnbSas.1

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